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作者:huacaipu   时间:2020-03-03 19:26




1. 方才开端,权门有良多,若何挑选声势,要剖析你选的俱乐部甚么样的球员多,方才接办皇马,用的是442声势,由于皇马的中场球员很强,克罗斯,莫德里奇,阿森西奥,伊斯科。后卫有马塞洛,拉莫斯,瓦拉内,觉得强的一批。

2. 实在玩了几把就发明,老龄化和锋线成绩很大,贝尔完满承继理想的玻璃人,本泽马偶然会有高光表现,总的来讲不可。

3. 第一赛季没有冒然购置或许出卖球员,若何赢利,这时候候鼎力大举出卖青训下去的球员,23岁一上的统统卖掉,23岁如下局部租进来。如许有了一大笔钱。前面购置了良多强势的前腰,用4231,有很强的打击性,30岁摆布的老球员预备卖掉,换成27顶尖球员。

4. 30岁形态下滑,要早点卖。注重青训,究竟结果是疾速来钱的门路。买人也是,每次出价比他身价高一点点,而后他会给你一个他想要的价钱,他会狮子大启齿,实在这时候候他曾经心动了,否则是间接回绝的,仍是渐渐加,很快他就会来谈团体的。




Dream football the world is a very true football kind the hand swims, how does veteran of the world of football of that end dream play? Have fine much younger associate still is not very trenchant, flower of beautiful dish game falls small make up above bring solution of detailed of player of impetus of veteran of dream football the world to the Great Master, the enemy of feeling interest was not missed, I wish this article can be assisted somewhat to the Great Master!

How does novice of dreamy football world play

Strategy of veteran of dream football the world

1.Just now germinant, authority door has fine much, if why pick momentum, the player of the club what sample that should analyse you to choose is much, receive horse doing emperor just now, those who use is 442 impetus, as a result of emperor horse in field player is very strong, crosse, modeliji, asenxiao, yi Sike. Full back has Masailuo, lamosi, walanei, a batch when feel strong.

2.Played a few to be invented really, aged success of He Feng line is very great, bell is satisfactory the vitreous person of ideal of be adopted as heir to one's uncle, benzema can have Gao Guang to behave accidentally, will always tell cannot.

3.The first sports season was not purchased boldly sell a player probably, be like He Ying benefit, await your kind effort to sell the player that green example goes down in a large-scale at that time, 23 years old go up sell completely, 23 years old are as follows local hire come in. If make,had a large sum of money. Fine was purchased in front much stronger before waist, with 4231, have very strong blow sex, 30 years old of old player provision that order about sell, trade 27 top players.

4.30 years old of configuration glide, want to sell earlier. Pay attention to green example, after all  result is to come tantivy the knack of money. Buying a person also is, bid every time taller than his social status little, after that he can give you the price that he wants, big open one's mouth of his meeting lion, await him at that time really once enchanted, be indirect decline otherwise, still be to be added gradually, very fast he can talk about an organization.

Recommend of strategy of be concerned with of dream football the world:

Game of dream football the world how all


